Description:Number One is a heart-warming musical family comedy that follows the story of Chow Chee Beng, a middle-aged white collar manager retrenched by his company. After many failed interviews, Chee Beng unwillingly takes a job as a manager at ‘Number One’, a popular drag club. Soon, Chee Beng is roped into dressing up to join the drag queens on stage. And to everyone’s surprise, Chee Beng is a natural drag queen and his performance wows the audiences!
Description:You. Have. Only. 72 Hours. A sudden collision in outer space caused a meteorite to head towards Earth and its impact will annihilate the whole mankind. In the sterile state of Singapore, any apology from the government is deemed irrelevant and for once its people are urge to go ahead and do whatever they want and leave behind no regrets. A newscaster decides to profess her secret love for her superior to her husband. A married man decides to tell his family that he actually wants to be a woman. An old cop shares with his subordinate that he had taken a bribe 20 years ago... But what if the world does not end? For the honest ones, it is their end of their previous world.
Description:Mr Unbelievable tells the story of Eric Kwek Hock Seng, who takes it upon himself to the symbol of national pride. As his Shifu’s Getai business declines in popularity, Eric wants to spark new ideas by adding English lyrics into Chinese songs albeit to strong objection from his Shifu & friends. Undeterred, Eric Kwek sets on an unbelievable musical journey that sees him through mostly lows and finally hits a high when he is at the ripe old age of 50. The film aims to highlight that one must believe and persist in his aspirations regardless of age!